Sunday, May 11, 2008

Perfect Match

I discovered the Carbon Dating Service at a RazzleDazzled friends' place last week and it encapsulated the weekend in pre-recorded audio form. My friend's friends live in an apartment underneath a university dormitory, and it looks out into green field. The view is pretty spectacular as it looks like a rural backyard with landscape going on for miles, but is actually connected (some would say) to a major city in Ontario.

Songs from the Carbon Dating Service were played in the background as we all set up for dinner the first night. The quiet folky pop with various traditional instruments and indie rock leanings were the perfect soundtrack for the night and following day.

The layers of sound from this 10 person emsemble including trombones, fluegelhorns, harps, violas, synethesizes, thumb piano, banjos and whirligigs (yeah, I don't know what it is either) seems like a confusing and contractory idea, but it works so well. The end product is a sound that reminds me of that weekend where it felt like we were in the country, on holiday and at school at the very same time.

Carbon Dating Service - Sea Moose (mp3)

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